Senin, 08 Januari 2018

The Advantages Of Forex Trading

There are a variety of reasons why many people now glanced trading forex as an extra source of income or employment. Some advantages in online forex trading compared to trading or other investments are:

1. Forex Trading can be done anywhere.
Today's forex transactions can be conducted online, with your computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone, with just a click on the trading software that you have prepared the broker. Plus the speed and cost of internet makin day makin cheap, overall costs for online forex trading can be very small and affordable. This is the number one forex trading advantages.

2. I can Buy anytime.
According to the data of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), an agency that houses the world's banks, the forex market has the liquidity (availability of funds) very high until it reaches an average of $5.3 trillion per day. It makes the forex market as the largest market in the world, even when compared with the famous stock exchange in the United States though.

Because of the magnitude of the availability of funds in the forex market, then whenever you want to sell, there will always be buyers. And vice versa, whenever you want to purchase, there will always be a seller. There are no such queue system in stock trading that often requires sellers/buyers wait a few hours to days in order for anyone to agree prices in advance.

3. Forex Trading Presents Opportunities both ways.
Forex trading is done in currency pairs. For example in the pair EUR/USD: transactions "buy" means buying Euros while selling the US dollar, while the transaction is "sell" means selling Euros while buying u.s. dollars. When estimating the Euro would be weakened and the USD strengthened, the trader will open a trading position "sell". In contrast, when estimating the Euro will strengthen with the USD weakens, then the trader opens a position trading "buy". Thus, the perpetrators of the forex trading can benefit, whether a currency is weakened or strengthened.

In addition, the advantages of forex trading is conducted on a wide range of currencies around the world, so that we will not run out of profit opportunities. Although, in General, most traders trade the seven major currency pairs: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, NZD/USD, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, and USD/CAD.

4. The Forex market is open 24 hours Non Stop, 5 days a week.
Other financial markets as stocks are usually only open according to the usual working hours between Monday through Friday. However, the forex market is open 24 hours a day, just Saturday and Sunday market is closed.

That is, as a forex trader, You will be able to set up their own trading hours. If you prefer to work in the morning because it has other major work; not to be a problem, you could be trading forex in the evening. Or vice versa. You may forex trading during the day when you've had a flurry of work at night. Or if you want to specialize only trade at the most profitable times, then it could be a long time and the best forex trading hours.

5. Trading Forex with capital Potluck and low cost.
In forex trading, there is a system of margin and leverage. System margin and leverage that allows the broker to "lend funds" proportionately with the guarantee fund provided by the trader. For example 1:200 with leverage, then the trader provide enough margin to deposit amounting to $100 just in order to trade with strength $20.000 funds (from 100 multiplied by 200). Margin and leverage it to make forex trading does not require a large capital.

First we know that to be forex trading required a minimum capital fund of tens of thousands of dollars. But now not anymore. With a capital of $10, however, we can already trade forex. There's even a broker who gives away free capital for trading. As a broker, the broker FBS Agea, and brokers FXOpen. Indeed the numbers are not much average, $5-10, but not quite, to try!?

In addition, the business competition between any broker trading Commission fee made payable to low and traders are becoming increasingly competitive. Advances in technology give us the freedom to choose the forex broker with the lowest trading costs and facilities-art trading software as our liaison with the forex market.

6. Learn and Practice Forex Trading is available free of charge.
There is another facility of broker trading account form demo. With this system, we can learn and practice just like the real forex trading, but regardless of the risk of loss. How can? Yes, because the funds used are virtual or toys, and this facility is provided free of charge by the forex broker. So if losing does not need to replace the money, even if the win could not be cashed. The demo account is intended for beginners who want to practice and learn first before plunging in to the world of forex trading.

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