Selasa, 09 Januari 2018

5 List Of Women Traders Succeed In The Forex Investment

List Of Women Traders Succeed In The Forex Investment, In General his forex trading and other commodities is an investment that is full of challenges that are dominated by men. While most men does not mean that women are not capable of facing the challenges of the trade. It has been proven by many traders, women who have been successful in the trading they do as women traders below:

1. Jennifer Thornburg

Women traders based in California of the United States is arguably the success with the combo system trade. Jennifer Thornburg first forex trading in the year 2001. Jennifer initially has no provision of knowledge let alone any experience about forex trading. The first time Jennifer know trading starts from trading learning classes participated in the year 2001. Pengalamanya more than 10 years, has made him feel the bitter sweetness of trading. With Jennifer's new kegigihannya can get satisfactory results with the combo of trade. Combo trade is a combination chart analysis H4 and D1. Currently Jennifer is not only successful as traders only. But Jennifer also became a teacher in currency exchange rates online trading and speaker at various important events about the surrounding world of trading through the blog dikelolanya

2. Kathy lien

Kathy lien is a trader successful woman from indonesia who now served as a managing director and partner of let BKforex. Kathy lien began his career as a forex trader at the age of 18 after graduating from New York university. Kathy is a female trader who is known for applying the theory of the combination of fundamental and technical analysis. One of the science that we can learn from the theory of trading is the way Kathy uses fundamental analysis to determine the position, while the technical aspect is applied as konfirmator as well as a decisive signal exid. This one woman trader joined FXCM as leader of expert strategy and inspired the birth of in 2003. is a site that contains about a variety of the most popular forex analysis. He then served as Director of research for the currency in the global futures forex Ltd. & There Kathy served for managing analysis team at the Forex and forex guide provides. With his colleague Boris Schossberg currently Kathy lien served as Chairman for the BK Forex.

3. Valeria Bednarik

Trader woman Argentina is proving that he is capable of investing forex trading. These women prove that in the world of forex can followed by women. He has become a successful trader since the year 2003. Valeria started trading with hard work even had been the victim of fraudulent investments. Since he was young he was very interested in the financial world. Before focusing on the world of forex trading valeria had worked as general manager at a technology company. But after that he prefers the focus of trading and resigned from the improvements

4. Jane foley

In addition to the trader known as a successful woman Jane foley is also known as a reliable forex strategist. With her hard work Jane could achieve success in the world of trading. Even the current Jane got the nickname as a trading strategy. Jane working as a senior forex staregi at rabobank. Jane is getting famous when he became Director of forex strategy at Barclay. He even appeared in various popular media such as CNBC, CNN, Skynews etc.

5. Kiana denial

Born and raised in iran, kiana denial first know forex sata he lectures in Japan. The first reply trading kiana tried trading the USD/JPY. As traders in General kianapun experienced a fall get up in trading. However with kemauanya who want to continue learning now Kiana denial incarnate into a trader successful women. Even after a successful trading is now plunging into kiana the educator and speaker are reliable about forex. He also had success writing a book entitled Invest Diva's Guide to Making Money in Forex. Even in the current investment kiana is regarded as one of the highly influential figure. Further Kiana get bernagai kinds of titles such as Best financial Education Provider in Shanghai Forex Expo year 2014, Women of influence Honore from New York Business Journal year 2015 and much more.

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